The danger from an electrical shock depends on the type of current, how high the voltage is, how the current traveled through the body, the person's overall health and how quickly the person is treated.
Call local emergency number immediately if any of these signs or symptoms occur:
- Cardiac arrest
- Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias)
- Respiratory failure
- Muscle pain and contractions
- Burns
- Seizures
- Numbness and tingling
- Unconsciousness
Steps to follow :
Do not attempt to move the victim from current source
First step is to switch off the current source
Otherwise, move the source using a wooden stick
Attend to the victim
Check for breathing
No breathing, do Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Call emergency medical aid
If breathing, do a physical examination
Treat for minor burns
Re-establish vital functions
Excessive burns may require hospitalization/ surgery
Supportive care must be provided
Caution :
- Don't touch the person with your bare hands if he or she is still in contact with the electrical current.
- Don't get near high-voltage wires until the power is turned off. Stay at least 20 feet away — farther if wires are jumping and sparking.
- Don't move a person with an electrical injury unless the person is in immediate danger.
Prevention :
Proper design, installation, maintenance of electric devices
Educating the public regarding electrical devices
Keep electrical gadgets out of children’s reach
Learn to respect electricity and electrical devices.
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